Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Common Core: A Civil Rights Issue

Is the issue of the Common Core a Civil Rights Issue?

I say, yes.

On one hand you have powerful and wealthy forces acting to control education from above and on the other you have those who would be controlled by it.

On the educator side, teachers are being forced to teach in ways that are antithetical to what they know to be correct and the oppressive system to enforce those ways.

On the parental side, subject matter that is antithetical to their religious and cultural beliefs and the loss of a place at the table to decide these things.

For the students, you have CCSS taking away their choice of direction in their lives by being limited in class/career opportunities.

I think this is most definitely a Civil Rights issue.

The Common Core: An Educational 'Crime against Humanity'

When the act of educating a child comes to the point of only focusing on "college and career" readiness at the expense of the physical, emotional and intellectual health of the child, it is no longer education. It is programming and by definition, a crime against humanity by any measure.

Saying things like, "Don't worry, we're collecting all this data so we can adjust the behavioral impact and responses to the increased workload and high standards (read: difficulty)" is not an acceptable reason or excuse for putting such pressures on a mere child! This is cruelty and abuse with a big fat "because I say so, now take your pill and get back to work kid" slapped on top of a pile lies and deceptions. Worse yet, is the way those who can do such a thing walk away smiling, with pockets full of cash. In fact, it's so much cash that there's not enough left at the end of the week for the child's family to be considered anything but living in poverty.

But that's not good enough. No, these "people" have insatiable egos that require not just obedience, they require gratitude... and lots of it! The hoi polloi must say "thank you" with a smile on their face and a tin cup in their hand. So the only thing to do is create a fall guy. A scapegoat to be the object of discontent. Enter, the educators.

Teachers, the very face of education to everyone already, are the perfect patsy. So the grand planners of the greatest intellectual atrocity the planet has ever borne witness to, lie and manipulate them into the trap set for the peasants as bait. The trap itself representative of the lies and manipulation told the peasants. And the peasants... they're already quite hungry, having been forced into poverty by those who jetset off to Cabo for yet another congratulatory convention of backslapping and hedonistic drum circles, billed mockingly as an Educational Summit.

Well... Arne, Bill, Barak, George, Eli, Dave, Dave and Chuck, Randi and Co (or is it, "Un"?) along with all your adoring friends... no. Not this time. Not again.

We see you. We know what you've done and we know what you are doing. The bait and the prey have become the hunter and they're coming for you.



-Michael Bohr, A Badass... Inspired